A Bittersweet Weekend

Today – Saturday, January 14th – is the first “anniversary” of Bogie’s horrific, tragic, traumatic accident. A year has passed since my precious baby boy was taken from me, his daddy, his sister, and his uncle. The first of three traumatic losses in one year.

I spent some time yesterday morning reading my blog posts about Bogie – first to last – especially his trainer’s tribute, and tears rolled down my face. I will forever grieve for my precious baby boy. That grief, like the ocean, ebbs and flows with the tides.

Tomorrow – Sunday the 15th – will be 11 months since my beloved Ducky’s heart gave out on her after being shattered the month before by our loss of Bogie, and after many years of helping me deal with the stress of her beloved daddy’s dementia demons. As with Bogie, I will forever grieve for my precious little soulmate.

My precious angel babies

The “sweet” part of the “bittersweet,” though, is that today, Saturday the 14th, is also the Z Kids’ Gotcha Day. Zen came home to live with Sam and me on May 14th, so this is his 8-Month Gotcha Day. Zoey came home to live with Zen and me on November 14th, so this is her 2-Month Gotcha Day.

Zen has been my ray of sunshine, the bright spot in my life, since before he was even born (on St. Patrick’s Day) last year. Just knowing I was going to have another puppy in my life last year cheered me up most of the innumerable times that the grief over first Bogie and then Ducky overwhelmed me.

Once Zen came home after Sam had been hospitalized, he was often my reason for getting up in the morning. He became my best friend, my peaceful moments, my constant companion, my protector, my everything. And when I got the doctor’s unexpected yet somewhat relieving call that early October morning, Zen was my comforting, calming, peaceful zen puppy. He lived up to his name that morning as I cried into his fur. 😍

When Ducky became a winged angel, I knew I had to have two pups in my life again – the boy who was due in another month and another female. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it, especially if I had to deal with the dementia demons at the same time; but I was determined to have two puppies so the first one wouldn’t be lonely when we couldn’t have him with us away from home. So, once again, my sweet baby girl came through for me when Zoey was born.

As Zen is my ray of sunshine, so Zoey is the starlight in my eyes. Zoey is sweet and sassy, like Ducky was. She is my baby girl, and I am her person. And, like Ducky adored Bogie, Zoey adores Zen. Likewise, as Bogie adored Ducky, so Zen adores Zoey. 💚💜🐾🐾

My babies at play 😍😍

This post is a “bit” long-winded. I apologize for that. I’m grateful for those of you who have read it to the end. I hope everyone has a great weekend! ❤️❤️🐾🐾

16 thoughts on “A Bittersweet Weekend

  1. Cat and DOG Chat With Caren says:

    (((hugs))) you had much, much more than your share that is for sure. Never apologize for writing about your feelings, I don’t care if you wrote a book here, they are important. I am so happy that you have your babies. I know they are helping. The pain will never, ever completely be gone, but their unconditional love and knowing exactly what you need when you need it, is priceless. They are angels here on earth. Sending love at this most difficult time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      Thanks, Caren. Hopefully I won’t have another year like ’22 for a very, very long time – preferably never – but it’s past, done, and over. Now I can focus on taking care of the Z kids and myself. And that’s exactly what I plan on doing.


    • My Golden Life says:

      Thank you for the hugs! They are gratefully accepted. Yes, my Z kids are wonderful. In addition to being Heaven-sent, they are sassy and mischievous just like their winged-angel brothers and sisters. 💚💜🐾🐾💙❤️🐾🐾🦮🦮🦴🦴


  2. Tails Around the Ranch says:

    Never, ever apologize for opening your heart. Your post touched me greatly. I share your grief and revel in your joy. That’s what friends are for…and I’m so very happy you have those two adorable furry friends to guide you through the tough days. 💙

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Meezer'sMews&TerrieristicalWoofs says:

    Anniversaries like those can wreak havoc on our emotions…
    I am glad you now have Zen and Zoey to help you with that, and then they have their own kind of sunshine to give you each and every day.
    This past week, I remembered the day, many years ago…that we shad sad news about our Toki…and Monday will be another sad remembrance day for our family, too…they always come round each year…but I think its good that there always seems to be more love to share with another…not a replacement, just a new start.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      I’m sorry for your upcoming sad day, too. And I agree – it IS good for us that there always seems to be more love to share with another, new start. In my case, two new starts. 💚💜🐾🐾🦴🦴


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